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Live Chat with a Princess:

Would you like a phone call from a princess but want to be able to see her on the other end rather than just hear her voice?  Book a live chat session with the character of your choice so that your little one can not only hear her but also see her!  This is a great option for those living outside of our service area.  

The length of your live chat session will partly depend on how talkative the child is, but we aim for sessions that are approximately 15 minutes based on a one-character live chat experience. 

One character live chat: $50

Please contact us for pricing and availability if you would like to book multiple characters for your live chat session. 



A Personalized Video from the Character(s) of Your Choice:

The princess or character of your choice can record a personalized video for any special occasion.  This can be done in addition to your party or separate from one.  It is also a great way for those outside of our service area to experience some of the fairytale magic.  Videos are recorded and edited, thenuploaded to a link that only you and those you share the link with have access to.  

 (Please allow up to 3 weeks for us to process your video request.)


One character video: $55

Two character video: $75

Add $5 for a video hard copy


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